Monday, December 15, 2008

Welcome! Come On In!

Welcome! Step right on in - on our new steps.

We'll start in the kitchen. I bought the snowman after Christmas one year. He was supposed to be a gift for the next year. Um, over the year, the snowman and I grew close. :) I couldn't bear to give him away, so he is still here.

This was my favorite addition last year. This was the centerpiece at the family shower that my aunt hosted last year. I added the little string of lights and a few handmade ornaments. Then I searched and searched for little kitchen utensils to decorate it with. My friend Robyn came to the rescue and gave me the little old-looking kitchen utensils.

The Santa mug collection looks like it was built over years, but it was purchased as a pre-made collection after Christmas at an antique store one year. My favorite one is the second from the left with the striped handle. The Mr. and Mrs. Claus salt and pepper shakers were David's mom's. The box behind them is most of a set of Christmas cookie cutters.

On into the dining room. We were given this nativity last year as a wedding gift. Isn't it pretty? It's made of olive wood and comes from Israel.

The tree has been in the dining room the last couple of years. By some stroke of luck, the cats and the dog leave it alone.

Dining room is not quite accurate I guess, as it's really just one big room. Here we are from the living room part looking back at the dining room.

Here's the fireplace. My Grandad and Granny gave us the big crock for our wedding. I keep meaning to get some kindling to put in it, but as you can see I haven't done it yet. All of the wooden spools on the mantle belonged to David's mom. I noticed them the first time I was ever at his house. I thought he had such good taste! And he does. :)

Here's the other end of the living room. The Santa on the little table was a wedding gift, as was the advent calendar next to him. The light colored pillow is from my mom this year - it's embroidered with a cute and funny picture of a cat in a Santa hat. Based on it's girth, I think it must be Henny.

This Santa is one of my favorite decorations. I spotted him at a store several years ago. I went back for their after Christmas sale and decided that if he was still there, and on sale, he was meant to be mine. Silly, yes, but he was still there and I was pretty excited! It doesn't take much.

My office is decorated, and the top of the stairs, but those pictures didn't turn out so well and this post has gone on long enough. So, we'll look out the back door at Tuley's house. He chose bells instead of a wreath this year and asked David to put lights on his house. David obliged and here is the result. I think the neighbors think we are crazy!

BooMama suggested adding recipes for our Open House refreshments, so head over to the Fremont Kitchen for a few holiday treats.


Anonymous said...

I love it all but my favorite part is the dog house :-) This is so much fun.

Sharon said...

Your home is so warm and inviting, thanks for the walk through your little corner of the world. The tree is so pretty and I love the fire place. Have a wonderful Christmas season.

petrii said...

I feel like I could come right in, take off my shoes and cozy me up to a roaring fire ~~ what a welcoming home. I love all of your decorations!!

Merry CHRISTmas,

Anonymous said...

The santa mug collection is great! Love it! And Tuley's decorations are wonderful! Thanks for the tour!


Jeri ~ said...

Everything is so warm and cozy and Christmasy - even Tuley's house.

Millie said...

What a cozy house! Love the old crock...

HennHouse said...

Your home is stunning! Thanks so much for giving the tour!

Anonymous said...

Your home is perfect for Christmas decorating--so very cozy and welcoming!

FrenchGardenHouse said...

I love your home, so warm and welcoming! Everything looks just perfect to sit by the fire, or talk and laugh with family and friends.


Jill said...

Your home is lovely! I love the doghouse...I'm so decorating Diesel's dog house next year! :)

Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Your home seems so warm and cozy! I love your mantel and your santa mugs! thanks for sharing! Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

It's all so beautiful! I love the Santa mugs! I had one when I was a kid! My mom always had candy canes in it...yum! Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Love your rustic decor! And that dog house - hah! Too fun!

Thanks for sharing with us.

Merry Christmas!

Tracy said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier! Your tree is just gorgeous and you are killing me w/the doghouse decor! Too cute!

Have a wonderful Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Your home looks so super warm and nice..., love the little "kitchen tree" what a great idea! Merry Christmas!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness your home is beautiful. It has just the right amount of sparkly rustic decor that could make me want to come and stay for a week ... or two.

Your tree is amazing! I love what you did at the bottom, wrapping it in what appears to be burlap?

And the star above your fireplace. I hope that is there year round. It is just right.

That is a wonderful nativity set. Just wonderful.

WOW! Ok, so far, you are my favorite house this year ... and I have seen some amazing decor.

Keetha Broyles said...

All your decorations are celebrational and festive - - - but the DOG HOUSE!!!! Oh my goodness, this is one Christmas no one would MIND being in the dog house!!!

Anonymous said...

How cute is Tuley's house!!! I love the rustic look of your home- so homey and warm!


Susanne said...

The decorated dog house is adorable.

Your home is lovely and so cozy looking.

elizabeth said...

OK the dog house, love it!!!
Everything else looks great too!
Merry Christmas!

pcb said...

What a cozy home you have made; looks like y'all have been settled there for years! I am a big fan of family treasures at Christmas and all year so I do appreciate your bringing those to our attention. Have a great Christmas!

V. said...

love the coziness in your place!

Thanks for stopping by! I've hardly had to go 'out on tour...', I hope to visit more sites next week!

Merry Christmas!


Anonymous said...

I love your house!! Your decor is right up my alley =)
Merry Christmas!

Unknown said...

Your house is so cozy! thanks for having us :-) oh and I LOVE that doghouse!

Kelli said...

Thank you for having us over to your warm and cozy home! Merry Christmas!

Melissa Jo said...

Your home is Beautiful...Love Tuley's house! Looks great! Merry Christmas!!!

Keetha said...

That dollhouse takes the cake!

I enjoyed the tour - you've made such a warm and cozy holiday place.