Sunday, June 10, 2007

Conquering the Elusive Bridesmaid Dress

Yesterday my three dear friends and mom sacrificed their Saturday to go in search of dresses in the perfect shade of red - cranberry? claret? crimson? slutty? cherry? Who knew there were so many names for red! We began our day at David's Bridal with Michelle. We found three different dresses that everyone liked. We moved on to lunch at Panera - yummy - and then to McDaniel Bridal. McDaniel proved to be more difficult as the sample sizes were very limited. Although Jenna did her best, in the end our imaginations just couldn't believe that we could order dresses in colors and sizes we hadn't seen. Exhausted and going through caffeine withdrawal, we stopped at Sonic to refuel. In true elementary teacher style (3 of the 5 of us either were or are elementary teachers), the girls took a secret vote by closing their eyes and voting for the dresses at David's or McDaniel. We found that all three liked the dresses at David's better, so we took our tiny sample of fabric that matches my dress back into David's to see if "Apple" was our color. Michelle seemed glad to see us despite our misbehaving of the morning, and guess what!? Apple from David's seems to perfectly match Burgundy by BMD. Who knew! So...dresses have been selected and here they are:
I'm sure they're all at home practicing their sassy poses right now. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I want to know why it is that I don't look quite so glamourous with my head pasted on someone else's body like Christina does?
I MUST send you a better head pose of myself!!!