Sunday, June 19, 2011

Zippity Do Dah

For Christmas I had the bright idea for my dad and I to go zip-lining for his Christmas gift. Six months later on Father's Day, we finally got to go! It was very fun. We first crossed 7 swinging suspension bridges. I think that was more unnerving than the actual zipping. It looks like a really long way down!
Dad was of course, very calm on his turns. I, on the other hand, couldn't figure out who was breaking the peace of the forest by screaming so loud. Then I realized, the scream was coming from me. :)
The first run was a little scary, especially as I ended up being first. The next three were smooth sailing and so fun.
It was a very good way to spend Father's Day I think!


Keetha Broyles said...

Where did you do this zip lining? Our kids did it last Spring when I took them to Costa Rica.

Keetha said...

What a *cool* Father's Day thing to do! Love that.

Also, I think you're very brave. :-)