Monday, August 3, 2020

The Boy Swims

Since I took some time off the blog, Fletcher hasn't even been introduced.  He's a year old now and we'll have had him for a year in a few weeks.  He is very sweet and wants nothing more than to be a lap dog.  That's exciting because he weighs in the neighborhood of 70 pounds!  He's not quite the born athlete that Annie is, but he is learning.  He has recently mastered swimming off the dock AND finding the stairs...which is pretty important.  

We haven't taken nearly as many pictures or videos of him swimming, as managing two dogs has kept our hands busy.  I think we're getting it down though and got a few shots this past weekend.
Annie continues to love swimming more than anything else.  Todd and Scott joined us along with dogs Max and Emma for a while.  They are two of Annie's favorite people, but they didn't get a second look as she was too busy concentrating on the task at hand.
Getting two dogs to pose for a picture when they're much rather be swimming is no easy task!
It was a beautiful weekend, cooler than normal and lower humidity.
Couldn't figure out how to turn this video the right direction, but the dogs certainly enjoy some rest time after swims.  Annie seems to like the new fan blowing that funny little tuft of hair on her head.
The bonus of the weekend was returning home to finding these beauties ready to be picked from our tomato plants!  I love summer!

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