Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Summer Daydreams

Over the weekend, we got Riley's life jacket out to see how much too big it was.
 The answer - much too big!  Annie looks rather indignant because we were laughing.  There's room for another dog in there!  Well, almost. 
 We stayed home and had a very small Super Bowl party - 2 people and 2 animals.  Annie was delightfully worn out by her time at the lake, so she slept through part of the game.
 Even though it was just us, we still needed Super Bowl food, so we had a Dinky's Diner themed meal.  Dinky's was a little food trailer in Reeds Spring when I was a kid, and they served all tiny foods.  I thought that was the best, so the tiny tacos that David got for New Year's Eve inspired me.  We had tiny tacos, corn dog nuggets, and teeny burgers.
 The weekend was fun - maybe a little too much fun.  This was Annie's version of "kennel up!" this morning.  It's kind of funny, except when it's making me late.  Silly dog!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed your post. Making fun memories. Leila