Sunday, February 10, 2008

Good-Bye Old Friends

I should be embarrassed that I ever wore these. I'm not, but I should be. I have a pair of flip-flops that many of my friends really hate. I think Kevin dislikes them even more than David. They're orange and have little fruit on the top. Very Carmen Miranda. David's dog Kaiser used to really like to try to eat the fruit off the top - even if I was still wearing them. If my math is correct, they will be 7 years old this summer. For several summers, I wore them every day. With the colorful fruit on top, they just match everything. And I used to get quite a few compliments on them - from strangers, not from my friends. Kaiser and lots of wear finally took their toll on the fruit. Undaunted, I found new tiny fruit and glued it on. As I said, no one liked these shoes except for me. Eventually even I could see that they weren't looking so swell. I thought I threw them away. Until this morning. I found them! In the back of my closet. They looked worse than I had remembered. So good-bye old friends...may you rest in landfill peace.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is about time.

Hallelujah. Holy crap. Where's the Tylenol?