Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Henny Goes to the Vet

Boy was I mad yesterday! I had a great day, napping in the sun until the girl got home. Suddenly I was captured and forced into the blue prison. It took both the boy and the girl to get my in the prison. I'm amazingly strong and acrobatic. The girl carried the prison to the car and strapped me in to the back seat. I was singled out for this horrific punishment - they gray cat and the stinky dog got to stay home. The car began moving and I meowed and howled, begging to see out the windows. Finally, I grew quiet and tried to think of a plan for escape. Before I could act on my plan, the car stopped again. "Are you ready Henny?" the girl asked. Ready? What for? Suddenly, I recognized the awful place she had brought me. The vet. Ugh! We sat in the waiting room for a bit before being led into the torture chamber. The girl pried me from my cage and put me on a scale. 10 pounds! See? I told you that I hadn't gained an ounce!
I willingly returned to the blue prison after being weighed to wait for my tormentor - the vet. Would you believe that she had the nerve to trim my claws!? It was awful. Then she proceeded to inject me with some sort of "vaccination" as she says. At last I was able to return to the blue prison. The girl paid them for my torture. I used to think she was on my side, but I guess not. I was strapped into the car again and we headed home. All the way home I refused eye contact with the girl. I slept in the boy's office last night to punish her. I think perhaps that she has suffered enough. Maybe I will sleep next to her tonight. Maybe.

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