Monday, April 21, 2008

Take Me to the River

We had a great day on the river. It was Christina's first kayak trip. In retrospect, it was probably a little more excitement than should be thrown at a first-timer, but she was a trooper and LOVED kayaking. I knew the bug would get her!
It was Rob's dog, Foster's, first float. He was unsure at first, bolted from the kayak and paddled for shore actually, but he settled in and was a very good floating dog.
Friday had been windy, cloudy, and cold, but we awoke Saturday to blue skies and warm sunshine. Hello Spring!
The water moved along very quickly in most spots, so we didn't have to work too hard at paddling.
There were a total of nine tip overs, so we stopped often to count heads, regroup, and dry.
Everyone was a good sport about being dumped into the cold water - no matter how many times it happened!
There are lots more pictures that I would love to post, but instead, check the rest of the pictures out at Flickr. Look for the post a couple on down that has the link.

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