Sunday, July 5, 2009

The Best Donuts

Have you ever wondered where the best donuts in Texas (and maybe the world) are made? Wonder no more! The Travel Channel has featured them on Man vs. Food, but David's family has been eating RRD since they were in a tiny bakery under the old water tower in Round Rock. They can still be found near the old water tower, but in a much larger building. The change hasn't hurt business as the line was out the door when we arrived.
We waited patiently and ordered our donuts. RRD are as sloppy and unround as Krispy Kreme's are pristine. And yes, I made David wait for a donut while I set them in the grass to photograph them. Mean, wasn't it?
He didn't have to wait long. We broke into the still-warm donuts while we sat in the car. YUM!
It's only 830-some miles from home, so I'm not sure why we don't come more often. It's really not too far to go for a donut this delicious.
See how yellow they are? They're the brightest donuts I've ever seen. Oh, and the best. Did I mention that?

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