I love old quilts. Even if they are worn and faded. Christina and I found this red and white quilt yesterday. This color combination seems to be pretty popular and hard to come by. This particular quilt didn't have a price tag on it, so Nan at Spring Creek Antiques called the dealer and left me a message. For $11, it could be mine. The dealer had told Nan that it wasn't in very good shape. She's right I guess. It has a few holes and tears, but I still liked it. When I buy old quilts, I always wonder about the woman or women who made it. Since I can barely sew a button, I am am especially amazed by the tiny perfect stitches.

This is a quilt made by my Grandma and her mother. As you can see, it is in pretty rough shape. It wasn't just for decoration - it was really used. When my Grandma pulled it out of the closet, it had another cover sewn on. After the original quilt wore out, a cover was made so that it could still be used. Nothing goes to waste with my Grandma.

This was the first old quilt that I bought. It is also the cheapest, at $1. I bought it at an estate sale that I was at with my Dad. It didn't have a marked price, so I asked one of the ladies having the sale. She wrinkled her nose a little as if to say "who would want that old thing?" and said "A dollar." Sold! It is pretty fragile, but it's still one of my favorites.
I would love to learn how to quilt. The odds seem to be against me though. I nearly failed Home Ec in 7th grade. My teacher was mean, but I was also quite incompetent behind the sewing machine. I wouldn't have made it without my Grandmother who bailed me out by helping me sew a pair of shorts - that I never wore. Ever the glutton for punishment, I took Home Ec again in high school. Much better teacher, but by the time I finished sewing my skort, I had outgrown it. Sewing machines and I do not get along. I will just have to continue appreciating the handiwork of others.