Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Weekends in May

We've been enjoying David having most Saturdays off.  We went to both days of Arts Fest, once to hear a bluegrass band (bluegrass is my secret love - shh!) and back the next day for steel drums.  

 If you closed your eyes and listened to the steel drums, you could almost pretend you were on an island somewhere.  It was quite lovely!
 We also checked out the fancy new farmer's market near our house.  How about this Airstream for a snazzy  food truck?
 We hosted a little Mother's Day brunch at our house, but I got busy after everyone arrived and failed to take pictures with people there.  I seem to do that a lot!  I just have a few pictures of empty tables instead.
 I decided I like the regular, less fancy older farmer's market, so since the first visit to the new one, I haven't gone back.  I like the sellers at the old one, and where else could you get such a happy bunch of sunflowers?

1 comment:

Keetha Broyles said...

I sure like your style!!! I think I've said that before, but I'll probably say it again and again.

I sure like your style!